贝米吉州立大学, 位于明尼苏达州北部的湖泊和森林之中, 在贝米吉湖岸边有一个树木繁茂的校园.

入学人数约5人,000名学生, Bemidji State offers more than 70 undergraduate majors and eight graduate degrees encompassing arts, 科学和选择专业课程. BSU is a member of the 明尼苏达州 system of colleges and universities and has a faculty and staff of more than 550. The university’s Shared Fundamental Values include environmental stewardship, 公民参与和国际多元文化理解.

Students have access to a number of year-round sports and activities close to campus.

The Bemidji State campus balances rigorous academia with the opportunity to enjoy a fun, 强健的户外文化. The proximity to the lake and the surrounding north woods allows easy access to an assortment of recreation, 包括皮划艇, 划船, 桨登机, 狩猎, 徒步旅行, 觅食, 滑雪, 钓鱼, 冰上钓鱼, 单板滑雪等等. 贝米吉州立大学的学生, faculty and staff have the luxury of enjoying a four-season year with the major campus facilities connected by all-season underground passages for safe and warm travel to and from 类 during the cold, 冬季.


贝米吉州立大学的塔玛拉克礼堂, 北京最高的建筑, 离贝米季湖只有几步之遥
贝米吉州立大学的塔玛拉克礼堂, 北京最高的建筑, 离贝米季湖只有几步之遥

1750年在贝米吉地区定居时, the Ojibwe people named the lake Bemidjigamaag “a lake with crossing waters” because the Mississippi River flows in from the south and exits on the east. It is now called Lake Bemidji and while folk legends claim it was formed in Paul Bunyan’s footprint as he logged his way west, BSU professors will tell you it was simply the final result in the last stage of glaciation in Minnesota.

The deep waters of Lake Bemidji are key to Bemidji State’s academic curriculum, 作为一个实验室 水生生物学 程序和背景 工作室艺术 类. It is a calming presence for quiet walks and a roiling mass during the summer months, 当游客, 学生和当地人都喜欢明尼苏达州北部的湖泊生活.

贝米吉湖州立公园坐落在它的北岸, 这个湖是一个受欢迎的休闲和度假胜地. 在夏天,当地人和游客聚集在一起航行、游泳和钓鱼. 当冬天来临时,湖面结冰了, 你会发现人们都裹得严严实实准备溜冰, 曲棍球, 卷曲和, yes, 更多的钓鱼. All year round, our community gathers at the lake to enjoy its natural beauty and bounty.


贝米吉州立大学 is nestled among the pines along the shores of Lake Bemidji, 离繁华的市中心社区只有几个街区. 在这个北森林的背景下, 学生, staff and faculty have a variety of activities available at their fingertips. 拥有大学城的所有魅力和特色, Bemidji remains a tight-knit community of good neighbors and engaged citizens who always come out to cheer for the Beavers. Bemidji, 以Ojibwe酋长Shaynowishkung(绰号Bemidji)命名, 它是15人以上的多元化人口的中心枢纽吗,000人. 位于三个美洲印第安人保留地之间, Red Lake and White Earth – 学生 at 贝米吉州立大学 have the opportunity to experience a dynamic local culture and history. Bemidji also sits at the center of the legends of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox. The famous statues of Paul and Babe greet 学生 as they drive in from the south along Lake Bemidji.

Though quaint and historic, the city offers the urban conveniences upon which college 学生 rely. Bemidji State is conveniently located minutes away from affordable restaurants, 舒适的咖啡店, 杂货店, 城市公园等. Small, 贝米吉市中心的街道上到处都是当地人开的商店和艺术雕塑, 而在贝米吉地区及其周围可以找到全国性的连锁店.

The thriving downtown community presents ample opportunities for engagement off-campus. 除此之外, 这里有很好的餐厅, 在贝米吉市中心的咖啡馆和天然食品鸡舍. 历史悠久的保罗·班扬剧场 has a calendar of classic shows, restaurants offer weekly live music performances, the 第一个星期五艺术漫步 provides a tour of new monthly art exhibits and annual festive events bring the community together. 当地最受欢迎的是 环湖节, 端午节, 蓝牛马拉松 and 明尼苏达州的芬兰群岛.

适合那些喜欢户外活动的人, 那里有树木, multi-use trail systems within minutes of campus and community parks with walking trails, 操场和滑板公园. 贝米季湖州立公园 is located directly across the lake from BSU with trails leading to notable sights and there is a 速降滑雪场 在冬季有交通选择. Further, the Mississippi River Headwaters is a mere 45 minutes from Bemidji.

Visit Bemidji的官方网站 了解更多.


与 可持续发展办公室 引领潮流, we’ve been named one of America’s greenest colleges and universities by The Princeton Review. 作为我们机构对环境管理承诺的一部分, our entire community is dedicated to keeping our campus and our environment pristine. 贝米吉州立大学’s mission for sustainability is to promote awareness and instill passion for the Earth through research, 项目和领导. 在BSU, there is a unique understanding of and commitment to sustainability that emphasizes personal wellness along with social equity, 经济可行性和环境责任. The Bemidji State sustainability mission and perspective has been greatly influenced by the Ojibwe culture, 认识到地球和人类之间的共生关系.


The 可持续发展办公室 serves as a facilitat或者在 University’s commitment to sustainability, 通过包括员工在内的协作小组采取行动, 学生, faculty and administrators whose goal is a more ecologically and economically sustainable campus community. 这个办公室负责教育, 沟通, planning and management of environmental issues on campus and also participates in community environmental initiatives. 他们全年组织校园活动, 维护校园“免费商店”,” implement recycling campaigns and perform waste audits for Beltrami County in an effort to reduce waste throughout the region. 另外, during the academic school year the BSU 可持续发展办公室 holds weekly presentations on relevant topics related to environmental and sustainability issues. 每个月都有不同的主题, 比如野生动物栖息地, 编织, 罐装和保存本地食品.

4月, Bemidji州庆祝地球月的活动安排得很满, 包括一年一度的跨入春天的5/10公里, 基因工程小组讨论, 电子收集驱动器和自行车维修车间.

教育 & 宣传项目

BSU offers numerous academic programs that focus on the environment and prepare 学生 to live green, 可持续的生活. 参观 环境研究系 或者在 水生生物项目 以了解更多有关贝米吉州立大学的可持续发展相关研究.

Bemidji State has also partnered with the surrounding community on many educational projects including the efforts to earn Minnesota GreenStep City recognition in 2012. MN绿色城市计划是一项自愿挑战, assistance and recognition program to help cities achieve their sustainability and quality-of-life goals. It is a continuous improvement program that is free and open to all Minnesota cities. 在贝米吉州可持续发展代表的帮助下 贝米吉市达到了承认的第三步 2015年6月. 看一看 Bemidji的MN GreenStep City简介.


The 社区参与委员会 大学之间有合作关系吗, the public and private industry to share knowledge and facilitate volunteering, 改善社区和解决公众关注的问题.


The 北森林酷儿外展 这是一项旨在增加酷儿和跨性别代表的倡议吗, 支持和接受整个校园和贝米吉社区.